The Western Cape Cerebral Palsy Association was established to provide for the diagnosis, treatment, care, training and employment of person with cerebral palsy.

And to raise public awareness and raise funds to co-ordinate clinics, care centres, residencies and work centres along with supporting the CP community in a variety of other ways through projects and initiatives throughout the Western Cape.



The Association is a non-profit organisation established for the following public benefit objectives:

  • To provide for the diagnosis, treatment, care, training and employment for persons with Cerebral Palsy.
  • To advise, support, train and counsel parents and guardians in the care of their dependents with Cerebral Palsy.
  • To coordinate clinics, care centres, residences, work centres, places of employment and social development services for persons with Cerebral Palsy.
  • To promote and assist in research into all aspects of Cerebral Palsy.
  • To provide public awareness and education on all aspects of Cerebral Palsy.
  • To coordinate the work of its different projects and interest groups for the promotion of holistic care for persons with Cerebral Palsy.
  • To advocate and lobby for the rights of persons with Cerebral Palsy in terms of the constitution of the Republic of South Africa.
  • To raise funds needed for the implementation of the aforesaid objects in such a manner as the Board may deem fit, including the borrowing of funds.


Mr. Mogamat Noor Osman (Chairperson)
Keith Dreyer (Vice-Chairperson)
Mr. Osman Adam Shaboodien (Treasurer)
Mr. Keith Dreyer
Mr. Aniel Jeaven
Ms. Fowzia Achmat
Mr John Zuyl


The Western Cape Cerebral Palsy Association (first known as “Cape Province Cerebral Palsy Association”) was established in 1953 by a group of parents with children, diagnosed with cerebral palsy, who were concerned about the lack of therapeutic and educational facilities for their children. Following a visit to the United Kingdom to research facilities and services for children with cerebral palsy, they established the “The Cape School for Cerebral Palsied Children” that later became Vista Nova Cerebral Palsy School.

In 1967 a therapeutic clinic was started at Red Cross Children’s Hospital providing therapeutic intervention for children with cerebral palsy. The clinic started by Dr Leila Arens and Dr Gladys Beinhart was and continues to be a unique collaboration between the hospital and the Association.

Between 1969 and 1987 the following schools and Training Centres were established:

· Eros School was started in Wynberg and later moved to its current premises in Bridgetown.

  • The Bluegum and Heideveld Training Centres were started in Heideveld and later combined to become the Filia Training Centre now situated in Goodwood.
  • The Bel Porto Training Centre was built on property in Lansdowne.
  • Agape School was built for 200 children in Mitchells Plain

In 1995 all the schools and Training Centres were taken over by the Western Cape Education Department and the Association adopted a more holistic service provision for persons with cerebral palsy across the lifespan. This modality of service delivery is still in practice at the Association.

De Heide Special Day Care Centre for children with severe and profound disabilities was started in Heideveld in 1985 and moved to its present location in Harfield in 1992. At the same time the two Protective Workshops, Rosedon Work Centre established in 1968 for school leavers from Vista Nova and The Palms Work Centre established in 1975 for school leavers from Eros School amalgamated to become The Village Work Centre which is also situated in Harfield.

The 1990’s saw Rosedon House, a group home for adults with cerebral palsy who could no longer live independently or be cared for by their families opened, a social work service introduced and the establishment of two Occupation Centres for adults who were not eligible for admission to the protective work centres.


Is hereby given of the 71st Annual General Meeting of the Western Cape Cerebral Palsy Association IN PERSON at

The Village Work Centre, 11 First Avenue, Claremont

and via ZOOM MEETING PLATFORM on Thursday 19 September 2024 at 18h30.

By order of the chairperson.

RSVP TO Cheryl by 12 September.

TEL: 021 685 4150
Mail: [email protected]