The Western Cape Cerebral Palsy Association runs a variety of facilities throughout the Western Cape to cater for the various needs of the CP community.
Our facilities include clinics and occupational centres, special care centres for children and adults severely affected by CP and work centres where skills training takes place and employment is provided for individuals who are unable to be employed in the open labour market.
A Skills training Work Centre for 85 adults with Cerebral Palsy and moderate Intellectual disabilities. The workers participate in protected contract work using a graded training system to meet the individual functional needs of each worker. A life skills programme is offered
alongside the work activities programme. At the Village Work Centre, the workers are given opportunities to develop work and life skills in an environment that provides reasonable accommodation to individual levels of functioning and needs. Skills training is maintained through:
- Capacity building and ongoing work and life skills training and development to support our service users and staff.
- The continued support from stakeholders and businesses to ensure ongoing availability of contracts which will restore the hope, self-worth and dignity of our service users and their families for a better future.
Looking Ahead: The Village Work Centre together with their Sub-committee and WCCPA Board are looking at innovative ways to bring in additional projects that are income generating and importantly ensure that our service users acquire new skills and create new opportunities.
De Heide SCC provides an individual and group educational programme to 28 children/adults with severe and profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. This is done through structured and individual support plans with ongoing observations and assessments, therapeutic interventions, activities of daily living, training of parents, social work support to families and daily customised transport. Alongside is the continued support and counselling to parents.
A residential facility for 53 adults with Cerebral Palsy, Intellectual Disability, and additional disabilities. At Rosedon House the aim is to strive to provide a secure and happy home for people with disabilities. A supervised living skills programme that provides opportunities for continued adult education in daily life skills, thus encouraging independence. Furthermore, as adults reach old age and become frail additional support and assistive devices is provided.
The Western Cape Cerebral Palsy Association in partnership with Red Cross Children’s hospital provides specialized medical and therapeutic services to children with Cerebral Palsy. The CP Clinic adopts a multi-disciplinary approach to treatment where children are encouraged to reach their full potential. Early intervention remains critical; hence it is important that the families have access to these services. Children with cerebral palsy are provided with rehabilitative therapeutic service as well as social work support services. The rehabilitative therapeutic services included 214 Physiotherapy sessions, 216 Occupational Therapy sessions and 152 Speech Therapy sessions. Additionally, the transfer of skills and management of the child with Cerebral Palsy to the families is crucial to the wellbeing and quality of life to the child and the family. The rehabilitative services are necessary for children with cerebral palsy to prevent further deterioration them from becoming more disabled as they get older.
Social Work services play an important role at the Western Cape Cerebral Palsy Association. They from part of a multi-disciplinary team and render services to improve the overall functioning and well-being of persons with cerebral palsy and other disabilities. All these services are complaint with the relevant legislation and guided by norms and standerds developed for the sector.
Looking ahead, we remain hopeful and work towards our vision to:
- Provide education and awareness to service providers and the public to promote further inclusion and integration of people with disabilities into their communities.
- Provide counselling and support to beneficiaries and their families.
- Provide information about learning and placement options.
- Provide life-skills training programmes to affected persons.
- Provide information about support services/resources to parents, care givers and guardians of beneficiaries.
- Establish parent peer support groups in communities.
- Engage in ongoing professional development to increase knowledge and stay abreast with current research and training on Disability.
- Facilitate capacity building workshop for staff, beneficiaries and community.
- Engage with and contribute to research to enhance the collective knowledge and improve outcomes for beneficiaries.